So many lil treats 🍬

On Monday here in Melbourne, Australia, it was a public holiday and stupid hot outside (37c = 99F), so I finally decided to tackle one of those big tasks I've had on the back burner, and this one was threatening to eat me alive.

The task: Updating my blog and Youtube videos to correct all the links in each.

33 Blogs

53 Videos

So. Many. Links.

(Some blogs have up to 8 links in them connecting to freebies, resources, masterclasses, courses, and other blogs)

I have been successfully putting this off until now because it's painful, and to be honest, it's started to bite me in the butt.

Long story short, last month I ditched WooCommerce completely off my WordPress website. I was having way too many issues with it and it wasn't playing nice with some of the other parts of my website.

But of course, because Jaz can't do things by halves, I also took it upon myself to update the naming structure from [/product/insert product name] to something that made more sense like [/masterclass/nua] or [/freebie/retainer].

Good idea at first, but it then meant that every single link that I had inside any blog post or page now needed updating.

I had covered my butt with redirects, but I wanted to make sure I did things right... (eventually)

So there I sat for longer than I care to admit, meticulously linking each blog to each vlog on YouTube, updating any links within those blogs, and connecting all the dots so that no one gets the dreaded "link missing" page.

It'll still happen, but hopefully not anytime soon...

I can proudly say this is now all done and dusted!

In the process I uncovered some of my favourite past blogs I wrote that I still love to this day, so I thought I'd share a few of them with you below, click the one you're most interested in.

BTW, if you're not a blog reader, most of them can be found as vlogs on my YouTube channel.

Should my pricing be public?

One of my most popular blogs and asked questions when it comes to pricing as a freelancer. I also decided to add an update to the end, cos since I wrote it, I've learned a little more and my opinions have changed a little.

5 Emails every creative should have in their Recipe Book

This one was a goodie! I share a selection of email templates you can swipe, add your own ingredients, and send to your clients, from New Enquiry emails to a Bonus Break Up Script.

Pricing your Creativity and protecting your Mental Health

In this blog/vlog I share a little about the times when my mental health has been impacted by the opinions of those around me and the prices I needed to set to be able to build a successful freelance business

And if you're not feeling full by that buffet of knowledge, you can always join the Freelancer's Pantry to access over 60+ resources, calculators, guides, worksheets and so much more.

I am super proud to share these blogs and wisdom nuggets with you at zero cost, because I know what it's like starting out and just feeling so overwhelmed at the idea that I need to spend money when I wasn't making that much at the time.

As always, if there's a particular topic you're craving advice on, or would love to see a blog written about, let me know! I'm always looking for interesting topics and chances are if you're craving it, someone else out there is craving it too.

👩🏻‍🍳 Buon appetit! 👩🏻‍🍳